A.M.I. Training Program for Coloproctology

This list will be updated regularly and is subject to change.

Surgical Workshops for feacal incontinence (Soft Anal Band System) are currently available upon request only.

In addition, surgeons will travel as soon as free traveling is possible again to the most remote destinations of the world to teach surgical techniques with A.M.I.’s products, and thus increasing the quality of medical treatment. Speak to your local contact if you would like to receive more information about A.M.I.’s products and training options or contact us at workshops@ami.at


Date / Language

Trainer / Location

Program / Application

Treatment of Hemorrhoids with TRILOGY

Fully booked! 

June 27 – 28, 2024

Language: English

Dr. Ingrid Haunold

Barmherzige Schwestern Krankenhaus Wien
Department of Surgery
Stumpergasse 13
1060 Vienna

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at

Treatment of Hemorrhoids with TRILOGY

Fully booked! 

September 12 – 13, 2024

Language: English

Dr. Ingrid Haunold

Barmherzige Schwestern Krankenhaus Wien
Department of Surgery
Stumpergasse 13
1060 Vienna

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at

Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Disease with TRILOGY (HAL-RAR)

Fully booked! 

October 9 – 10, 2024

Language: English

Prim. Dr. Andreas Heuberger

Krankenhaus Oberndorf
Paracelsusstr. 37
5110 Oberndorf

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at

Treatment of Hemorrhoids with TRILOGY

Fully booked! 

November 21 – 22, 2024

Language: English

Dr. Ingrid Haunold

Barmherzige Schwestern Krankenhaus Wien
Department of Surgery
Stumpergasse 13
1060 Vienna

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at

Treatment of Haemorrhoidal Disease with TRILOGY (HAL-RAR)

Dates – TBD

Language: English

OA Dr. Alexis Freitas

Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland
Dornbacher Strasse 20-28
1170 Vienna

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at

Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease with TRILOGY (HAL-RAR)

Dates only on demand

Language: English

PD Dr. Lukas Marti &
Dr. Stephan Bischofberger

Kantonsspital St. Gallen – House 03, 2nd Floor
Rorschacher Strasse 95
9007 St. Gallen

Reservations possible at workshops@ami.at