Non-surgical treatments

Lifestyle changes
When the patient is experiencing mild symptoms, the doctor might recommend simply changing daily lifestyle habits.

Kegel exercises
The goal is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The patient can do this by performing routine exercises of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. This benefits the functions of the bladder, urethra, vaginal walls, uterus and rectum.

A pessary is a medical device that is inserted into the vagina and helps support surrounding tissues. Pessaries come in different shapes, and are usually made of silicone or plastic.

Biofeedback therapy
Biofeedback is a method that records physical processes that the patient does not perceive exactly, and is used to improve health and overall well-being.

Surgical treatments

Surgical treatments are used to help the prolapsed organs return to their natural anatomical position to relieve the symptoms that were the cause to undergo surgery. The intervention can be performed through the vagina or abdominally.