First Meta-Analysis on ATOMS!
Effectiveness of Adjustable Transobturator Male System (ATOMS) to Treat Male Stress Incontinence:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
C. Esquinas, J. Angulo
Adv Ther
Die Meta-Analyse umfasst 1393 Patienten aus 20 Studien, die zwischen 2011 und 2018 veröffentlicht wurden
67% Trockenheitsrate
90% Verbesserung
„Interest in the use of ATOMS is increasing, as it is a simple alternative with HIGH RATE OF DRYNESS and VERY HIGH RATE OF SATISFACTION reported.“
„…could sustain an opinion that ATOMS may be an optimal choice in irradiated patients…“
„In the light of this meta-analysis, AUS can no longer be considered the only surgical option to treat severe male SUI.“